Rule #3, you are NOT ALLOWED to read the video description. You are NOT ALLOWED to break the automated build!

Copyright 2016-10-28 Walt Disney Music Company. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED! (PA0002210560). This song was performed at a work company event in 2018 (not memorized). That performance as well as this one, is dedicated to the automated build. The automated build has something vaguely to do with, comprising compile/deploy/test logic for a 2000+ project SVN maintained by multiple teams in multiple divisions. The video mashes up with a coworker video from several years ago where I have a cameo. musx file at

I think it would be funnier if the Chinese contractors put their funny sounding given names at the back. Or maybe sometimes they are exploiting ambiguity between given name and surname and using two given names. Maybe it's already maximizing funniness on their side the way it is. I'm all for maximizing funniness (What was Yao Ming's funny sounding given name?).

My "stage name" comes from high school psychology class where, suffering from RSI from playing too much Freecell, I realized I could shave off some characters off my name and reduce the pain of writing my name. I am NOT Kris Roe (, he uses a superfluous space.

Screen shots come from CruiseControl.NET (, which doesn't appear to be maintained anymore. I've learned a lot from implementing build functionality using the configuration preprocessor (

Original Song Interpretation
The beach is a special place for Moana, and she's spent much time over the years looking out at the distant potentially endless horizon, purpose unclear. Moana wishes she could meet her parents' aspirations to become chief of the tribe, and maybe she could go along with the plan and be competent at that, but at the core that's not who she is. No matter what Moana does, her focus eventually shifts away from the village, feeling called toward the vast mysterious ocean. The island society is governed by rules, and while most seem happy with their station, Moana does not, particularly the rule forbidding ocean exploration. Maybe her desire for adventure (and the voices in her head feeding that) means something is wrong with her? Moana has wishful thinking the listener could figure it out and send her some clue about what's out there. Someday, if Moana keeps working at it, she will find out what's out there, traverse the great beyond, and fulfill her destiny.

Personal Song Interpretation
I've had some level of build responsibility for more than a decade. I wish I could be a good coder and do things that actually benefit consumers of our product, but it seems no matter what work on, I'm drawn toward enhancements to some aspect of the build (for the arcane benefit of the coders, not end users). Most people at the company (with the complex web of rules that go along with that) seem reasonably happy with their station, and I suppose I could work hard and play by the rules and make the company stronger and sure to some extent I do that. But what the voices in my head are telling me to do is to enhance the build. There's a line between work and non-work, and sometimes I dedicate otherwise non-work time for enhancing the build. Sometimes I think the build is one of the technological wonders of the world, and who knows how far it can go?

Credits Song Interpretation:
How long I've been staring at build breaks could refer either to the last decade of my professional existence with build responsibility, or to the unstable phase in the release cycle where the build is frequently broken. The build uses quite a bit of resources, but it is still slow, and sometimes logging in and giving the process a kick in the pants is necessary when getting a clean build is critical. Of course, I'm biased and think the coders should fix their build breaks promptly, but in reality depending on where in the release cycle we are at it may or may not matter. I dream about moving the source control from SVN to git but have not have had practical success in implementing change. How do pull requests work in a complex repo where the gatekeeper model seems simplistic? Recently there has been some traction toward moving in that direction, with two coworkers perhaps wiser than me making some progress, and who knows if that continues how far the automated build can go?

Previous video (#4):
Next video (#6):

Transcript and Director's Commentary: