At the end of this video, I turn off the computer and upload the video MP4 file to the cloud. Shortly after, a tornado warning occurred and we went to the basement. In the basement I received a notification of the tornado warning on my flip phone and I pressed OK. And we are ok.
While in the basement, my kids and I and Chat GPT discussed the question of what to do if we meet friendly alien civilization(s). I think each civilization would have local time system(s). And for a better relationship between the civilizations a common time system would be helpful. Chat GPT suggested Intergalactic Pulsar Time (IPT) which involves using a pulsar to establish a common reference frame. I don't know how it will work or if there's a better idea out there, but this is my part to get ideas out here. That's where "Intergalactic Pulsar Time (IPT): TBD" in the subtitles comes from.
I discussed with Chat GPT whether this video should be marked as having AI generated content. I think it's a judgment call, but for big enough ideas it needs to be checked. And I think Intergalactic Pulsar Time is a big enough idea to justify the flag.