Video #3. RULE #3, you are NOT ALLOWED to read the video description. Learn something about Repression/Denial/Confabulation.

The piece doesn't actually have a name. I'm calling it "The Song With No Name #1" but that is there only for the convenience of discussing it. The piece was composed over a long period in the 1990's, being put together slowly in fits and starts. I don't think I copied anything, but I'm sure there are motifs that align with something I heard or are coincidentally related (there's a lot of music in the world). I remember making a computer-generated recording of the first two sections using a computer program my childhood piano teacher used, and I remember those two sections being played at a recital. Sections #3 and #4 have never been performed to an audience, and I don't think my childhood piano teacher knew they existed. The piece has never been notated, and although I am very capable of using Finale [], I'm not interested, I've moved on to bigger and better things. In my mind the piece is just something that exists, and I claim no ownership of it whatsoever. The piece is intended to be played sans lyrics, but there are silly (or are they?) lyrical snippets in the directory's commentary. Take 2:

I didn't really play much of any piano between going to college (late 1990's) and having kids (early 2010's), as I was more interested in working toward a career in programming. I kind of regret that decision, but I'm okay where I ended up. Once I had kids, I thought it might be useful for parenting purposes to be able to play again. I had forgotten quite a bit, and had to claw back that knowledge brick by brick. I even had to remember how this song went, which I had forgotten.

I would like to give a shout-out to my childhood piano teacher, he's one of many people without whom I wouldn't be where I am today. My childhood piano teacher doesn't teach anymore, but currently tunes our piano at home every so often to keep it sounding good, so thank you for that.

I'm not really a good role model for repetitive stress injury and piano playing (or am I?). When I was younger I didn't care much at all about posture and what not, and it wasn't until I got older and started paying for it that I started to pay attention. That said, I'm still no saint in this area, so my advice is do what I say and not what I do as much as you can stand.


I am largely convinced that (with respect to memories) repression [memory exists but fighting against it], denial [refusal to acknowledge a memory exists], and confabulation [replacing/improving a memory] are basic aspects of human psychology, occurring at micro and macro levels, with it more likely to be problematic the larger the scale. It is certainly frustrating seeing it in other people, it makes empathy hard or even painful, and it can make constructing effective communication extremely difficult. And it's really unsettling when I see it in myself, and sometimes I really want to dig it out with a spoon.
(all typically associated with


Sforzandos (sudden loud note) are discussed at
Ritardando (slowing down) is

Moved some director's commentary from the previous video below:

It's pretty easy for me to believe in subliminal messages after trying to cram a bunch of them into the video. I'm trying to use my subliminal messages in the service of good, but I guess the reminder they exist could be unsettling.

I think there's a metaphor between "The Monster at the End of the Book" and what I am trying to accomplish with my channel (and by think I mean ABSOLUTELY BELIEVE).

There's a larger point re: relationships in the dollar/strangle/Bezos meme. We have relationships with people who drive us crazy, but we stick around since at the core there is something positive.

The person who liked and subscribed was my work manager (someone ELSE also subscribed, but I don't know who that was). I don't actually hate my work manager, we get along pretty well.

Regarding cursing, my position is cursing is totally appropriate as a means of expressing frustration or rage as long as it isn't inappropriately directed at somebody. The script intentionally used the more profane word, which makes it hilarious that I oopsily toned down the profanity. It's all for the best, I get to simultaneously reference both the movie "That Darn Cat" and the "damn cat" meme.

Previous (#2)
Next (#4):

Transcript and Director's Commentary: