Rule #3: You are NOT ALLOWED to read the video description. Contrived teenage/parent role reversal joke.
Full copyright notice is Copyright 1979-07-31 Henson Associates, Inc. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED! (SR0000010909).
My daughter isn't quite a teenager yet, but getting there. Not sure if making this video makes things better or worse. "The Totally Real News for Dum-Dums" is her invention which I worked into the script. She can confirm wearing a garbage bag makes it more difficult to play the piano.
I'm pretty sure answering "This channel needs rules!" to "Why does your channel have rules?" is a circular reference ( ). Chat GPT says it's a circular argument, which is more precise but less techspeak.
My son does excellent work on the camera, with the BLOOPER-like confusion over who is currently speaking contributing greatly to the quality of the video.
I am not sure if The Totally Real News for Dum-Dums is a real thing, or if the concept only exists in order to make a point.
Rainbow Connection Part 1 (#2): . See that video for lyrics analysis.
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