Rule #3, you are NOT ALLOWED to read the video description. Root for the AntiHero! Copyright 2022-12-08 TASRM Publishing ALL RIGHTS RESERVED! (PA0002390184).
I analyze the original song here. I have never actually listened to it so continue AT YOUR OWN RISK! TS = Taylor Swift.
The song applies the concept of hero , someone (fictional or not) who combats adversity through feats of ingenuity, courage, or strength. Part of the adversity a hero faces are the flaws in his character. Enough flaws turn a Hero into an Antihero , rendering him morally ambiguous.
The song's pertinent flaws are selfcenteredness and lack of awareness of self+others. Its voice has two poles: TS (a real person: no stage name) and an AntiHero stereotype embodying the flaws. The twist is the AntiHero is more selfaware than it seems, allowing selfawareness and unselfawareness as suits the art. Presumably TS resembles the AntiHero to some degree.
Verses 1 and 2 start with TS reflections. Some have little/no relation to the flaws (sometimes not getting wiser as one gets older, working late night). Some are specific to TS (limitations on hanging out caused by fame, drudgery of concert schedule). Some things the flaws exacerbate but are not exclusive of (phenomenon of ghosting, sensitivity to feelings hurt, manifestation of depression). Some are clearly selfaware (sometimes feeling having behaved badly [metaphorically like a monster, double meaning of "lurch", an Addams Family member], regret for past ghosting). And TS's sexuality is sometimes different from others (I'm not speculating publicly).
The refrain uses the AntiHero voice, leveraging both awareness and lack thereof:
- The awareness that the AntiHero has responsibility for his problems (the first step is to admit you have a problem) contrasts with the unawareness of believing everybody agrees that is the full correct assessment of the problem.
- The narcissistic thing is to "always" stare in the mirror. The unselfaware thing is to "never" stare in the mirror, but being able to voice that idea shows selfawareness.
- The awareness that others are rooting for the AntiHero despite the flaws and the awareness that others interacting with one's flaws can be difficult contrasts with the qualifier of "always" indicating a lack of awareness others are not always rooting for everything an Antihero does.
More refrain notes:
- Staring directly into the sun refers to TS's prodigious talent, and analogizes to the difficulty of coping with one's own (or others') flaws.
- Teatime means both:
1. Pasttime of elitists that look down on TS's vulgar art (stereotypically agreeing she is a problem without understanding context).
2. A general social forum (an AntiHero may agree or be agreed with to avoid disagreement consequences, an AntiHero may incorrectly believe others agree with them)
- "Root"'s meaning is not defined
The section between these uses both the voice of the AntiHero and TS. These are self-aware statements an AntiHero may have difficulty communicating, and keeping them in mind can be helpful for interactions with AntiHeros (including oneself or other AntiHeros).
1. "I should not be left to my own devices, they come with prices and vices, I end up in crisis": AntiHeros may have self-destructive behaviors and be more dependent on the support of others than is ideal.
2. "Did you hear my covert narcissism I disguise as altruism?": Selfcenteredness can cause actions "helping" others to look self-serving to the outside observer. Plus politics side burn.
2. "I wake up screaming from dreaming one day I'll watch as you're leaving". Others may say enough and cut off relationships with the AntiHero, possibly without good communication. AntiHeroes ought to be aware of this possibility.
A. "cause you got tired of my scheming". Flaws may manifest as manipulative behavior others may not put up with.
B. "and life will lose all its meaning [sadness/depression] (for the last time [suicide])"
Verse 3 is back to TS, with an air of unreality (setting is a dream). She dreams about having children (real goal or cautionary tale?). The whole family is disinherited, as she is aware enough to realize they are unworthy. This is underscored by singling out the daughter-in-law who married into the family as both unaware (not pulling a fast one) and malicious (murder). Lesson: the flaws aren't good things for parenting, maybe producing children with worse flaws or poor relationship skills.
The AntiHero is a stereotype, but we can put everyone (including TS's public image) on the AntiHero spectrum and adjust our behavior accordingly. We should root for improvements in AntiHero behavior, large+small.
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